What You’ll Miss If You Skip the Argentum Conference

Thanks to 2021 Media Partner, Senior Living Foresight, for sharing what you’ll miss if you skip the 2021 Senior Living Executive Conference & Expo!

I have been thinking a lot about conferences this past few weeks. I am like . . . a little kid thinking about Christmas; a bride anticipating her wedding (maybe not quite like this); a student anticipating graduation; a 16-year-old preparing for their driving test.

I got to thinking like that because I remember the conferences before the pandemic hit. And the start of conferences in the fall means I will get to see, in person, friends I have not seen for nearly two years. Think about it, two years, that is like crazy.

Argentum Here I Come

One of my favorites is the annual Argentum Conference. Extra special is that it is the first one of the fall season starting on September 13 in Phoenix, AZ. I recently got a chance to talk to Brad Williams about why senior living leaders should be attending this conference and here is my summary on what senior living leaders will miss out on if they skip it.

9 Things You Will Miss Out on if You Skip this Conference

  1. We need and are designed for human connection. More than anything else, the pandemic has shown us the need to connect, celebrate, discover, and learn from each other.
  2. The value of the conference in 2021 lies in how much industry professionals’ worlds have changed in the past 18 months and how important the dialogue at the conference will be around how we as an industry and individuals are moving forward…READ FULL ARTICLE