In today’s environment, “selling” assisted living to the consumer will need to focus not just on safety, but also socialization. The word “isolation” takes on a new meaning when quarantine is required and not optional. Operators need to ensure physical isolation does not lead to social isolation.
The new normal will be finding ways to keep people engaged in a modified way. Studies have shown that social isolation and loneliness affect over half of seniors in care. Senior living provides congregant living that can mitigate this, however, with mitigation and containment measures related to COVID-19 and slow lifting of restrictions of group programming and visitors, how do we provide and “sell” engagement, today and tomorrow?
How can we draw those seniors into support circles of fellow residents or supportive family members? How can we provide a supportive, safe and fun quality of life? This session will feature strategies and solutions to the problem of engagement in the New Normal.
Karen Doering, Chief Operating Officer, Senior Star
Tony Galvan, AVP of Living Well, Vi Living
Whitney Lane, Senior Vice President of Operations, Watercrest Senior Living Group
Maria Nadelstumph, Senior Vice President, Brandywine Center of Excellence
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